Discussion in "Project Help" started by    dez    Jan 7, 2008.
Thu Jan 17 2008, 01:55 am
please just write the pseudo code,
what should i do to increase speed?

Thu Jan 17 2008, 12:00 pm
actually speed of DC motor changes when you change the voltage of motor... and in digital world this is done with the help of Pulse width modulation.
So i think you should see this for learning about PWM.
I have no idea whether x86 processors have timers or not.. if not then it will be difficult to generate PWM, or you have to make use of some external thing to generate PWM.
Please go through this to read about PWM.
Tags pulse width modulationPWM
Fri Jan 18 2008, 06:53 am
Ofcourse they have, In asm there is a subroutine named waitf and all my problem was that. In order to arrange pwms, we should use it. But i didnt know how to use it, anywayi submit my last work as written below...
It may have problems:S

; cursor function
cursor	macro	r,c
			mov	bh,00
			mov ah,02
			mov	dh,r
			mov dl,c
			int 10h

; display function
display macro	str
			mov ah,09h
			mov dx,offset str
			int 21h

waitf   macro   ; al times
            local waitloops
            shl al,2
                 dec al
                 jnz waitloops

.model small
.stack 64

	;Seven Segment Table
	zero		db	01011011b;		-   |	 -	-	| |	|-	|-	-|	|-|	|-|
	one			db	00000110b;		   | |	|    _|	_|   -  |-  |_	-|	 -	 -
	two			db	01011011b;		-	|   |_	_|	  |	 _| |_|	 |	|_|	 _|
	three		db	01001111b;
	four		db	01100110b
	five		db	01101101b
	six			db	01111101b
	seven		db	00000111b
	eight		db	01111111b
	nine		db	01101111b 
	direction   db  'n'
	speedCtr	db	?
	delayCtr    db  ?
	l1			db	'						Welcome									','$'
	l2			db  '			Press f to rotate clockwise							','$'
	l3			db  '		Press r to rotate counter-clockwise						','$'
	l4			db  '	You may adjust the speed by 'u' for up and 'd'for down		','$'
	l5			db  '	  You can see the motor speed on the 7-seg					','$'
	l6			db  '			Press q to quit the program							','$'
		mov dx,378h				;parallel port initialization
		mov al,00h				;for writing data
		out dx,al
		; D7 is for forward D6 is for backward D5 is for enabling of dc motor with L293d
		mov	ax,@data
		mov	ds,ax
		cursor 2,6
		display l1
		cursor 4,6
		display l2
		cursor 6,6
		display l3
		cursor 8,6
		display l4
		cursor 10,6
		display l5
		cursor 12,6
		display l6
		cursor 16,6
		mov	speedCtr,0
		mov delayCtr,10
	    mov ah,01
	    int 16h
	    mov ah,00
	    int 16h
		cmp al,'r'
		je	r_pressed
		cmp al,'f'
		je f_pressed
		cmp al,'u'
		je up_pressed
		cmp al,'d'
		je down_pressed
		cmp al,'q'
		je	quit
		jmp key_check 

            mov dl,speedCtr
            cmp speedCtr,0
            je zerow
            cmp speedCtr,1
            je onew
            cmp speedCtr,2
            je twow
            cmp speedCtr,3
            je threew
            cmp speedCtr,4
            je fourw
            cmp speedCtr,5
            je fivew
            cmp speedCtr,6
            je sixw
            cmp speedCtr,7
            je sevenw
            cmp speedCtr,8
            je eightw
            cmp speedCtr,9
            je ninew       
            jmp endt
            mov dx,378h
            mov al,00000000b
            out dx,al
            jmp endt
            mov dx,378h
            mov al,00010000b
            out dx,al
            jmp endt
            mov dx,378h
            mov al,00100000b
            out dx,al
            jmp endt
            mov dx,378h
            mov al,00110000b
            out dx,al            
            jmp endt
            mov dx,378h
            mov al,01000000b
            out dx,al
            jmp endt
            mov dx,378h
            mov al,01010000b
            out dx,al
            jmp endt
            mov dx,378h
            mov al,01100000b
            out dx,al
            jmp endt
            mov dx,378h
            mov al,01110000b
            out dx,al
            jmp endt
            mov dx,378h
            mov al,10000000b
            out dx,al
            jmp endt
            mov dx,378h
            mov al,00000000b
            out dx,al
            jmp key_check

	    cmp direction,'n'
	    jne check_r
	    mov direction,'r'
		;delay 2;					wait for 2 seconds and then start rotating in reverse direction
		;reverse e 1 gonderme fonksiyonu
		mov al,127
		mov al,00000001b;			00000001B for reverse direction
		mov dx,378h
		out dx,al
		jmp here
		jmp	key_check

	    cmp direction,'n'
	    jne check_r 
	    mov direction,'f'

	    mov al,100

		mov al,00000010b;			00000010B for forward direction
		mov dx,378h
		out dx,al

		jmp here
		jmp	key_check
	    cmp direction,'f'
	    je fgoes
	    waitf 1000;to delay when changing direction
	    jne rgoes
	    cmp direction,'r'
	    je rgoes
	    jne fgoes	
	    mov al,00000000b
	    mov dx,378h
	    out dx,al
	    mov al,100
	    jmp here
	    jmp key_check

	    dec speedCtr
	    inc delayCtr
		cmp speedCtr,0
		je stop
		cmp direction,'f'
		je goingforward
		cmp direction,'r'
		dec speedCtr
		inc delayCtr
		je goingbackward
	        mov al,00000010b;
	        mov dx,0378h
	        out dx,al 
	        mov al,speedCtr
	        mov al,00000000b;
	        out dx,al
	        mov al,delayCtr
	        jmp key_check
	        jmp goingforward

		;pwm signallerini azaltan fonksiyon
		;7segment e speedCtr bastiran fonksiyon
		jmp here
		jmp	key_check
	        mov al,00000001b ;PIN NUMARASI
	        mov dx,0378h
	        out dx,al
	        mov al,speedCtr
	        mov al,00000000b;
	        out dx,al
	        mov al,delayCtr
	        jmp key_check
	        jmp goingbackward

		;pwm signallerini azaltan fonksiyon
		;7segment e speedCtr bastiran fonksiyon
		jmp here
		jmp	key_check

		cmp direction,'f'
		je increase_forward
		cmp direction,'b'
		je increase_backward
		jmp key_check
		    inc speedCtr
		    cmp speedCtr,9
		    je key_check
		    dec delayCtr
		    mov al,00000010b
		    mov dx,0378h
		    out dx,al
		    mov al,speedCtr
		    mov al,00000000b
		    out dx,al
		    mov al,delayCtr

		 jmp here
		 jmp key_check
		    inc speedCtr
		    cmp speedCtr,9
		    je key_check 
		    dec delayCtr
		    mov al,00000001b 
		    mov dx,0378h
		    out dx,al
		    mov al,speedCtr
		    mov al,00000000b 
		    out dx,al
		    mov al,delayCtr

		jmp here
		jmp	key_check
		mov ah,4ch
		int 21h
		end	main


Fri Jan 18 2008, 07:35 pm
Actually in PWM, timers should use interrupts.. wait routine will not work..
i hope you have read the concept of PWM. So all we need to do is change the width of high level. if width is 255 then speed will be full and if width is 0 then speed will be low/motor stops.

in the PWM code i gave you.. it works like this..
R7 contains the value of high level and ranges from 0 to 255 as i explained.
for pwm, i used a flag to indicate if high part of the square wave is done or not, coz the values loaded in the timer are different for both high and low level of square wave but the total value of high and low is 255.
So lets say if high is 50, i.e. R7 is loaded with 50 and low will be 255-50 = 205.
you can see in the code too.. during one part of PWM i am loading Timers with R7 and in other part of square wave i am loading 255-R7 in timer.
so total 255 will remain constant only i am changing the value of R7 to control the width. you can possibly make your program to work as i explained.
Thu Mar 20 2008, 04:59 pm
I want to convert L293D component to library and model file in proteus. But I cant make proper MDF file. Simulation part is starting but motors are not working.
Fri Mar 21 2008, 01:59 am
to create models you need VSM SDK. All you need to do is use APIs provided... i never tried making one.. but now you have encouraged me to try it out..

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